So Nate and I were thinking of something to eat. He suggested omlets. It sounded great and he said that he had a better way of cooking them instead of a frying pan. Reluctantly I said ok. He said that all you have to do is put your ingredients in a ziploc bag and then put it in bowling water. It cooks them perfectly. Still a little skeptical, I started making my omlet. We realized after cracking our eggs that we didn't have enough. So I had to run to the store and I just thought to get 18 eggs instead of 12, which actually will come in handy (keep reading to find why). So I come back and we finish cracking our eggs. We each put 6 eggs in our bags (which proved to be way to many). As Nate was so nicely mixing his he accidentally dropped his bag, that was not closed, so 6 eggs ended up on the floor. We cleaned that up, cracked 6 more eggs and started to boil our omlets. After about ten minutes we checked our omlets and noticed that Nates bag was leaking and he lost just about half his omlet in the boiling water. After bagging the omlets in a second bag, mine seemed to take forever to cook, but finally was finished. To my surprise they actually tasted really good. Thanks Nate for giving me a great cooking adventure. So the moral of the story is buy 18 eggs instead of 12.