Friday, May 23, 2008


Obviously we're not the best bloggers ever seeing that it's been over a month since my last post, so I'll have to update things a bit. Not even sure where to start. Celeste and I are playing a waiting game right now. We're kind of in between a few different things right now. I'm still planning on going to Mesa, AZ and applying with the police department. They just posted their next test date which is June 28. I'll be heading down for a week or so to go through the whole testing process. There is five or six different steps in the whole process. I'm trying to prepare myself now by getting in better shape and learning as much as I can. If everything goes well and I get accepted into the POST program, I'll start the academy in January. Celeste and I have been trying to decide what to do until then. I had a phone interview the University of Phoenix to work for them as an enrollment counselor and we are waiting to hear back from them. I've heard that they are going to offer me a job, but they have to do a background check and they are still in the process of doing that. If it all goes through, we'll be moving down there as soon as possible. In the mean time, I just started a new job here a couple weeks ago working for a company called North American Services Group. They are an industrial cleaning company. Right now I'm working out at the smelter for Kennicot copper mine. It's pretty crazy out there. I have to wear a facemask with a respirator pretty much all day. I work a pretty crazy schedule too. I wake up at 4 am so I can be up there by 5. I'm supposed to get off at 2 pm but most days I'm there until 5 pm. Twice I've had to work until 10 pm and don't get home until 11:30, but the overtime pay is great. It's a pretty crazy job that I didn't think I'd ever do, but I can deal with it because it's a temporary thing. If I don't get the job at University of Phoenix, then we'll stay here and I'll find something a little less crazy. My biggest hope is that everything goes well with the police officer testing. That would be a dream come true for me. I've always pictured myself doing that. I have what I like to call a hero complex. I've always wanted to be a "hero" and help people. I'm excited and nervous about it all at the same time. As I said with all of this going on right now, we're playing a waiting game. I think we'd both like to have a baby but we feel like we need to wait until we know what's going to happen in the next year or so. I was told it's best not to have a baby while I'm in the academy because I can't miss very many days. So once I know if I get accepted or not we can know if we should wait or not. That's the latest and greatest with us. We'll keep things updated a little better as things come up. Wish us luck!


Shantelle said...

Wow! I couldn't believe it when I saw a new post! (I have no life and check your post twice a day. I know...I'm pathetic.) Thanks for the update. Good luck with the testing and all that. What a great goal to be working towards. Keep us in the loop!

Sean said...

I dig the post, in fact, I think that I should try that as well. I hope that you get everything figured out, and you get into the academy. Good luck yo!!

Holly and Matthew said...

WOW you guys! :) Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this "limbo" stage of endless opportunities! We hope and pray everything works out for the best and I know any ward in Arizona would love to have you!! :) My sister and her husband lived there for 5 years right after they got married and LOVED IT! :) Good luck and keep us all posted! YAY for opportunities! :)

Hector, Kimberly, Alex and Gabe said...

Hi Guys, this is Kim (from PG) I just made a connection! I asked a guy at my work, David Brewer, about his family, he mentioned a daughter in PG named Celest and I said "Not Nate and Celest?!" and sure enough, it is your Dad!! I work next to him in the office! He is such a great and nice guy Celest, your lucky! What a small world!

Giselle Rasheta said...

You are going to do great! And they'll definitely hire you at UOP. We just can't wait for you to join us down there... I didn't know about your crazy job, but for a short time, it's even cool for something crazy like that...especially if it has good pay. Enjoy being in Utah around your families for the time you're here, but I think it's okay to get your hopes up for coming down. We love you!


Giselle Rasheta said...

I DEMAND an update... please :)

The Jensens said...

Good luck! You'll definately have to keep us updated!