I know that I am really behind, but we have been having so much fun there hasn't been time to update our blog. So hear are a lot of pictures of what we have been up to.

Yes that is a swim diaper on her head, and no that is not why she is crying. I actually can't remember.

Lindon days had a parade that went right in front of our house. It was so much fun and Sadie sat through the whole thing.

One float threw ice pops. Sadie loved it!

Dodger did really well too. He made it through the whole parade as well. Such a daddy's pup.

As many people know, Nate started at Nu Skin. Two weeks after he started they had their end of summer party at 7 Peaks. They rented out the entire park and everything was free. It was so much fun to hang out with our friends and have a night to play.

We were there from 4-11pm. Thanks to grandma and grandpa Fisher for watching Sadie.

That is Nate coming down the "slide of death" as I call it. And no I didn't go down it. I was way too scared.

That is again Nate coming down the "slide of idiocy" as I call it.

Yea! Nate didn't die! Nu Skin had a catered dinner and all the other snacks were free. We got to go on all the tube rides and slides. As the night went on, more and more people left and at about 9:45pm there were not a lot of people there. We grabbed tubes and went on all the slides again. Not one person was on any of the slides so we just walked up and went.

Sadie in her new Sunday dress. Church is quite the adventure these days. Sadie is soooo busy that it is almost impossible to make it through Sacrament let alone all our other meetings. We will just have to wait till she can go into nursery.

A little out of order, but at 7 Peaks, they had an artist there doing these for free.

And we got our picture taken and they printed it out and put it in frame.

Here Sadie is eating some pudding and loving it. A bath followed this meal.

A couple Sunday's ago, we went up the canyon with Justin and Ali to roast marshmellows. Justin brought his remote control boat and we had a lot of fun.

Sadie and Mom

I foresee these two being best friends when they are a little older.

The Twins, Ty and Meg

We went to Timpanogos Park and it was really beautiful. We definitely want to plan a fun BBQ there soon.

Ju getting the marshmellows ready.

Sadie showing off her belly and hanging out with Meg.

Ali and Ty

Sadie's new food creation? Cheeto Puffs and Chocolate Pudding. Mmmmmm

Last week we had Nate's Grandpa came to visit for a week. He is 95 and a lot of fun. He played Uno Attack with us and won a few games!! He was craking jokes and just one of the gang. I don't have any pictures of this but last Saturday we had our Allyse's Bridal fashion show. We had four shows (a very long day and week setting up), and it went great!!! We had about 350 girls total modeling all of our dresses. It was my first show, so I feel that I am more prepared for our next one. Well that is just a few things that we have been up to. We are doing a lot of fun stuff coming up in the next few months, Yellowstone just to mention one. :)
It was so fun to read your post and get updates on your cute family! Sadie is such a doll! I wish we could see you guys more often.
Not sure how I missed this post almost a month ago... I'm not sure how you can fit in so much fun along with all the crazy work and schedules you two have going on. Good for you...keep it up!
Umm. . . . hello? It's November 9! I'm pretty sure you're overdue for an update!
Patiently waiting. . . .
Oh, and expecting to see pics from Yellowstone. . . .
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