As of today I am officially 20 weeks (5 months), and am half way! I am starting to feel a little better in the mornings, but I still get sick sometimes. It could be waking up at 4:30am every morning, but hey, that would make anyone sick. I feel that I am eating more than I have been in the past, but still am not eating as much as I used too or want to. I hate not being able to eat what I want, when I want it. That's the other thing, and I think that it actually bugs Nate more than me, is that I am so indecisive when it comes to food. If we are going out somewhere it will take me 20 minutes to finally say, "I don't care, you choose". I usually just go where other people have choosen and find something when I am there. I really haven't had any cravings except (and I know that I am supporting a myth by saying this) Dill Pickle Pringles. I did really love those before I was pregnant, so it's not too weird. We are still thinking about baby names and trying to agree on one. Nate still has one that he just can't get out of his head (I still have not taken to the name) but he is being somewhat sensitive and trying to think of other names for me. We did go out and make our first big purchase. We bought our car seat and stroller!! We are very excited. Now many who know me may think this an odd choice, but we wanted to go with something that was gender neutral, that is why it's not pink. We actually found one that was SO me. It was black and red, but after thinking about it and realizing that everything in my house was black and red, we went with this other one. We have also purchased a cute dress, socks, and little body suits. We have not picked out any bedding yet, but we are looking for that as well as a crib next.