We had a great Thanksgiving, even though it was our first Thanksgiving away from home. We were lucky enough to go to Utah for a short trip two weekends ago for Nate's brothers wedding. We loved seeing everyone and spending time with both families.

I had the entire week off from working at the gym so I decided to get a few Christmas decorations up while I had the time. Nate got Thursday and Friday off. We were invited to Nik and Anissa's house with Noah and Giselle. I actually made a green bean casserole, it may sound gross, but I was pleasantly suprised, if I may say so myself.
I also brought a pumpkin pie. We had A LOT of food and it was all really good. That night we just hung around and talked and watched football. Friday morning the guys went golfing at a small course right by our house. In the afternoon
the guys went shooting and then the girls met up with them at a pizza place. We ended the night by watching the movie "P.S. I Love You". It was a really fun night. On Saturday morning, the guys went and played soccer and kickball with the elders in Noah's spanish ward. Nate and I decided to spend the rest of the day together alone. We went to Subway for lunch, then went to the new James Bond movie (which was really good) then we went out to T.G.I. Fridays. We had a great night and to end it we watched "Fools Gold". It was such a great holiday break that we were able spend time with friends and think about all the things that we are grateful in our lives. We are already getting excited for Christmas and being able to come home for the holiday! Love you all!!