I am a little behind, so here is quite a post about what has been happening the past month. Sadie turned 8 months on March 15. She is growing and growing! She now weighs 19 pounds.

This was her Easter dress. (I was very proud that I did not buy her something pink ).

Sadie is sleeping pretty good. She usually falls asleep around 7:30-8:00, but then she wakes up sometime during the night, sometimes twice. We usually feed her and she will go right back to sleep till about 7:30 am. I am hoping that she will start to sleep through the night like she used to.

March 17 was my sister-in-law Ali's birthday (and St. Patricks Day). We were able to go spend the evening with my family to celebrate.

I think Ali is 45?!? Man she is old! Ok, ok she is only..... maybe she doesn't want me to tell. Anyway, it was a lot of fun. She is due at the end of April with twins!! I cannot wait for them to come. Yea for babies!!

Sadie is talking a lot! She is saying mum, dad dad, and chatting away. She is pretty loud and I think she loves the sound of her own voice. Any chance she gets, she will just talk, talk, talk. It makes church really fun. ;)

We found out at the party that Sadie loves balloons. I always get really scared when she is playing with them. I hate the sound when they pop. She hasn't popped one yet, cross your fingers.

Umm... could you have chunkier thighs.

All tuckered out.

We took the top off her excersaucer and she loves playing in it! She used to crawl underneath the toy and get stuck so we made it easier to get to.

Look at those cheeks!! I know you just want to pinch them, I do!

Here is our annual Brewer Easter Egg roll. We all boil and decorate eggs and then roll them at each other and see who's egg does not crack.

And here is Sadie at 9 months, actually not till the 15th but close. I can't believe how fast she is growing! We are going to be posting some videos. Sadie is taking her first steps all by herself! She is taking 3-4 steps and keeping her balance. I keep trying to tell her that she is not old enough to be walking, but apparently she is a smarty pants and wants to prove me wrong.

Other than Lovin' Sadie not much else is happening. I do love my job. We are in the middle of doing interviews for next years fashion team. It takes me away from being a consultant in the store, but I really enjoy getting to work with these girls. We are going to have a fashion camp June 11 and 12 with a lot of fun workshops. Nate is still applying and looking for jobs. No luck yet, but we are hopeful that something will come up that Nate enjoys to do. I almost forgot! We were asked to choreograph a cabaret solo for the Lehi ballroom team. I am so excited. Nate is actually helping me too, even though he vowed he would not dance again. Slowly but surely. That's all for now, but we will be posting some videos so watch for those. Love Ya All!