It's True! Sadie is 5 months old and continuing to grow. She is getting so big and is changing everyday. She is getting really good at sitting up and rolls all over the house.

She is still a very happy baby and we have to remind ourselves how lucky we are.

We are getting ready for the holidays and we got to take our picture with Santa Clause!!! We went to the mall and only had to stand in line for about 40 minutes. But is was all worth it too get Sadie's picture for her first Christmas. She was really great in the line, but got really tired right before it was our turn. She didn't cry of fuss with Santa, but she did not give her big smiles.

Santa was really great and was so nice. You can tell by his face what a sweet man he was.

We are so excited to be going to Utah for Christmas. We are leaving on December 22 and will come back January 3rd. Since the weather is Freezing in Utah, we had to get Sadie some new warm clothes. This is one of her outfits.

Sadie was a little sick this past month and had an enlarged spleen. She had to go and get her blood drawn and tested. Her veins were so small in her arms that they had to try each arm. It was really horrible and luckily her dad was there to hold her. The tests came back fine and then she had to get immunization shots in her cute, chubby legs. :( That was sad too.

I added a new addition to Sadie's room. This is it.

Sadie now loves to sleep on her stomach. She sticks her little bum in the air and sprawls out. She also drools a lot!!

The other weekend we got together with Nik and Anissa and Noah and Giselle and made gingerbread houses. It was a lot of fun to get together. Here is Nate constructing our house.

Still putting the house together......

And Ta-Da!! Here is our masterpiece. And yes, we cheated and bought a kit. No judging.

I bought this beanie and love putting Sadie in it.

Such a cute sleeper!

We are so lucky to have Sadie in our lives. We could not be more happy. Everyday is a blessing with her.

We are so excited to go home for Christmas and will have a lot of pictures to post. For now, Have a Merry Christmas and we Love you All!!