Over Labor day weekend we were able to fly up to Utah to bless Sadie, thanks to our parents, (thanks again!). We left Wednesday after work and got in to Utah at about 8:30 pm. We stayed at Nates parents house. We were so excited to be able to stay for almost a week and see friends and family.

I told you she is smiling and laughing!

Sadie's first airplane ride. She did so great, both flights!

I told you she is smiling and laughing!

Here is Sadie on her blessing day. Thanks to my mom for going out and finding (and paying) for her dress. She looked so precious. During the blessing she did pretty good. Her binki did fall out once and my brother Ryon was able to put it back in, but then she spit it out again. She made some noise, but it was not too bad. It was so amazing to see all the men there surrounding Sadie and especially Nate. He did such a great job and Sadie and I are so lucky to have him.

We had about 40 people at the blessing. Afterwards we had sandwiches, salads, fruit, veggies, and dessert. Thank you to everyone who brought food. The rest of the day we all just hung out playing outside, the WII or sitting around talking. It was a perfect day for our perfect little girl.
Just so cute and Happy!

On Labor day we went with Bruce and Kathy, Jacob and Melissa and their two boys, and my brother and sister-in-law Justin and Ali and Paige, up the canyon. We had a picnic up there and I had forgotten how beautiful it was in the woods. I do have to admit that I miss going camping, usually with Justin and Ali, (although I was always afraid of the bears).

Sadie's first trip up the canyon. And yep, you guessed it, she slept through the entire thing. :)

We had about 40 people at the blessing. Afterwards we had sandwiches, salads, fruit, veggies, and dessert. Thank you to everyone who brought food. The rest of the day we all just hung out playing outside, the WII or sitting around talking. It was a perfect day for our perfect little girl.

On Labor day we went with Bruce and Kathy, Jacob and Melissa and their two boys, and my brother and sister-in-law Justin and Ali and Paige, up the canyon. We had a picnic up there and I had forgotten how beautiful it was in the woods. I do have to admit that I miss going camping, usually with Justin and Ali, (although I was always afraid of the bears).

Sadie's first trip up the canyon. And yep, you guessed it, she slept through the entire thing. :)

Sadie with her cousin Easton.

Sadie with Grandma Fisher

Sadie with her cousin Hannah

I was able to go to Allyse's Bridal to see all the girls that I worked with and Janet. It was so much fun seeing everyone. I really miss working there. :(

Overall it was such a great trip home, ( from the picture above you can see that Sadie got all tuckered out). It was really sad to leave, ( yes, I still consider Utah to be home). But at the same time it was great to back in Arizona. Again, we thank everyone who helped us get to Utah and for making Sadie's blessing day so wonderful.

Sadie with Grandma Fisher

Sadie with her cousin Hannah

I was able to go to Allyse's Bridal to see all the girls that I worked with and Janet. It was so much fun seeing everyone. I really miss working there. :(

Overall it was such a great trip home, ( from the picture above you can see that Sadie got all tuckered out). It was really sad to leave, ( yes, I still consider Utah to be home). But at the same time it was great to back in Arizona. Again, we thank everyone who helped us get to Utah and for making Sadie's blessing day so wonderful.