We were lucky enough to be able to go to Utah for Easter weekend. We arrived Thursday night after our flight was delayed 45 minutes, for a fuel leak. Nate's parents picked us up and we stayed at there house. Friday, I was able to go shopping for maternity clothes, at stores that they don't have in Arizona. I was very excited and got some cute things, if I do say so myself. After shopping, I was able to go visit Allyse's Bridal and see two of the girls that I worked with. Going in there made me realize how much I really missed it. The whole store looked great, but I have to say that I miss all the girls, Janet, as well as decorating the store. Friday night, we chilled with Nate's family until we went out to dinner with my family. We ate dinner at Johnny Carrino
's and then went to see my sisters new house. On Saturday I was really spoiled and had two baby showers. The first was at my Aunt Cindy's house. I was really excited to be able to see my family and friends that were able to come. I am grateful for all of the gifts that we got and it is really going to help get ready for our little girl. We got some really cute things that I cannot wait to be able to use. The shower was really great! We had yogurt, fruit, bread, cheese, orange juice, and I'm sure I am leaving something out. I do have to say a big thank you again to Mom, Shantelle, and Cindy who put the shower on. As well as another shout out to Cindy for the amazing scrapbooks that she made.
For those of you who scrapbook, she is the queen of queens of scrapbooking. I can't even say how amazing they were! These pictures don't do them justice either.
After that shower, I had another one in Utah County that Nate's family put on for me. That shower was amazing too!! A lot of friends and family as well as great gifts. Nate's mom, sisters, and sister-in-laws all went in together on a swing. We actually just got it the other day and had to set it up! It is so so cute and exactly what we need (or so we hope). This is a picture of it.
You can't tell but there are stars that shine on the canopy part that move with the mobile. We are hoping that it works and she likes it. We also bought our bedding with the gift cards we received at the showers. And thank you to Shantelle for telling us where to go, and for not being mad since we got the one that she wanted.
At that shower we had cookies, cream puffs, yougurt, fruit, and chocoloate. Everything was perfect and I could not have asked for anything better. 

After the shower, Nate's family had a BBQ and easter egg hunt for all the kids. It was really fun to be surrounded by everyone and to see how excited the kids were to find the eggs. And FYI, I actually ate a Bratwurst and liked it! The rest of the night we were able to just hang out with Nate's family. I had forgotten how much fun it was just to chill and talk. 

On Sunday, we went to one of my aunt and uncle's farewell since they were going on a mission. We then spent the afternoon with my family eating crepes, and hanging out. All too soon it seemed that we were on our way to the airport. :( It was really sad to leave, but at the same time we were excited to go home to the 80 degree weather. After an hour and a half flight delay, ( we do not suggest flying on U.S. Airways) we made it home.
Again, we are so grateful for our families and friends and all the love and support that they have given us. I can't say enough how much I appreciate all the hard work from both families on throwing such great baby showers. We are truly blessed to have you all in our lives. We love you!
As of today I am 29 weeks and getting closer and closer. Also, I'm not sure if I have said it here on the blog, but we have agreed on a name. It is going to be...... Sadie Lynn Fisher!!