Sadie is now three months old!! I can't believe how fast it has gone. She is now pushing about 11 lbs 12 oz. She is definitely growing and she does have the thighs to prove it. Once again, here is an overload of pictures and what we have been doing the past month!

Sadie has gone to the "Spa" twice now. And when I say "spa" I mean that while she is sleeping I have painted her toenails. It is so cute. She is a girly girl, no question about it. (sorry the pictures are a little blurry)

Sadie is still a big sleeper, (no complaining here). She takes naps and does pretty good when we put her down at night.

And my favorite is when she will take naps with me!! There is just something about a baby sleeping with you. :)

Monday night we were able to spend time with Nate's cousins Christina and Dan, and Tom and Candace were in town. It was really great to talk and catch up with them. Then we all went to dinner at a Mexican restaraunt.

Nate and our cute little family!

Sadie got this cute hoodie from some of my co-workers. It is a little too big, but she still loves to wear it and looks so darn cute!

Sadie is such a good girl that we are able to go out to the movies. This past month we were able to go see The Proposal again, as well as Surrogats.

Last weekend we spent Saturday night hanging out with Noah and Giselle. Their ward had a ward talent night and asked them to dance. There was a lot of good food and it was a fun night. Although it made me miss dancing! I may think about volunteering Nate and I for something just so I can dance with Nate again.

Every Thursday night Nate has been playing indoor soccer. Sadie and I usually go and cheer Nate on. It is really fun to go see Nate play. He is really good, although he may not agree. In his last game he made a goal!!

Sadie is really getting strong. When we put her on her tummy she is great at holding her neck up. She is also getting close to rolling over.

Sadie is smiling so much!! It seems that every time you look at her she is smiling. She is really getting close to laughing too. She gets so excited and about to laugh but then doesn't get there. But really soon.

Gotta love the dog. He has not been a star on the blog lately since the baby, but he is still here and we still love him. He does really good with Sadie. Everytime I come home from picking her up he is so excited to see both of us and always gives her a kiss.

Sadie is in a little bit of an awkward stage where she is getting too big for her 0-3 month clothes, but all of her 3-6 month clothes are too big. But I am really excited for her to fit in her clothes. We have some really cute things.

Well hopefully this post will give everyone a good update on what we have been doing and give the grandparents sufficient pictures of their little Sadie. I still can't believe how blessed we are and the joy that Sadie brings to our lives. I am so grateful for Nate and for all the help. He is really great with Sadie and there is just something about a dad and his little girl.